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This module provides many functions that can be used to interact with or modify modules, classes and functions. It is well suited for many uses cases such as creating a library that is heavily dependent on decorators (e.g. the json module).

For example,

We can call a decorator using the reflect module like this.

class A {
  @custom_decorator() {
    echo 'It works!'

import reflect

var instance_of_a = A()
var decorator = reflect.get_decorator(instance_of_a, 'custom_decorator')

# It's always good to check the result first as it will be a good 
# practice to make decorators optional to make it easy for users to 
# opt-in and opt-out of features your package or library provide.
if decorator {

Try it out!


reflect.has_prop(object, name)

Returns true if instance has the property or module has a value with the given name or false if not.

  • @params:
    • instance|module object
    • string name
  • @returns: bool
reflect.get_prop(object, name)

Returns the property of the instance or value in the module matching the given name or nil if the object contains no property with a matching name.

  • @params:
    • instance|module object
    • string name
  • @returns: any

Returns all properties of an instance or value in a module or an empty list if the instance or module has no property.

  • @params:
    • instance|module object
    • string name
  • @returns: list[string]
reflect.set_prop(object, name, value)

Sets the named property of the object to value.


  • if the property already exist, it overwrites it.
  • @params:
    • instance object
    • string name
    • any value
  • @returns: bool: true if a new property was set, false if a property was updated
reflect.del_prop(object, name)

Deletes the named property from the instance

  • @params:
    • instance|module object
    • string name
  • @returns: bool
reflect.has_method(object, name)

Returns true if class of the instance has the method name or false if not.

  • @params:
    • instance object
    • string name
  • @returns: bool
reflect.has_decorator(object, name)

Returns true if class of the instance implements the decorator name or false if not.

  • @params:
    • instance object
    • string name
  • @returns: bool
reflect.get_method(object, name)

Returns the method in a class instance matching the given name or nil if the class of the instance contains no method with a matching name.

  • @params:
    • instance object
    • string name
  • @returns: function
reflect.get_decorator(object, name)

Returns the decorator function matching the given name in the class of the given instance.


  • the name of a decorator excludes the @ character.
  • @params:
    • instance object
    • string name
  • @returns: function
reflect.bind_method(object, method)

Binds the given function to the instance, allowing you to access the instance itself in the function via the self keyword in the function.

  • @params:
    • instance object
    • function method
  • @returns: function

Returns the type of an instance as string

  • @params:
    • instance object
  • @returns: string

Returns the metadata of a function as a dictionary. This dictionary contains the following keys:

  • name: The name of the function
  • arity: The number of none variable (...) arguments the function defines.
  • is_variadic: If the function accepts variable arguments
  • captured_vars: The number of variables captured (only greater than zero for captures).
  • module: The name of the module from where the function was defined.
  • file: The file in which the function was defined.


  • This function does not work for built-in functions
  • @params:
    • function object
  • @returns: dictionary

Returns the metadata of a class as a dictionary. This dictionary contains the following keys:

  • name: The name of the class.

  • properties: a list of the name of non-static properties defined in the class

  • static_properties: a list of the name of static properties defined in the class

  • methods: a list of the name of methods defined in the class

  • superclass: The name of the class it inherits from.

  • @params:

    • class klass
  • @returns: dictionary

Returns the metadata of an imported module as a dictionary. This dictionary contains the following keys:

  • name: The name of the module.

  • file: The file from which the module was imported.

  • has_preloader: true if the module is a C extension with a preloader and false otherwise.

  • has_unloader: true if the module is a C extension with a unloader and false otherwise.

  • definitions: A list of the name of objects defined in the module.

  • @params:

    • module module
  • @returns: dictionary

Returns the class value of an instance as an object that can be used to create a new instance of that same class.

  • @params:
    • instance object
  • @returns: class

Returns true if value is a pointer, false otherwise.

  • @params:
    • any value
  • @returns: bool

Returns a pointer to the given value.

  • @params:
    • any value
  • @returns: ptr
reflect.set_ptr(pointer, value)

Sets the value at the given pointer's address to the given value.

  • @params:
    • ptr pointer
    • any value

Returns a the address of the pointer to the value in memory.

  • @params:
    • any value
  • @returns: ptr

Returns a pointer to the given memory address.

  • @params:
    • number address
  • @returns: ptr
reflect.set_global(value, name)

Sets any given value as globally accessible in all modules, function and scopes with the given name. If name is not given and the value is a class or function, the name will automatically be set to the name of the class or function respectively otherwise, an Exception will be raised.

  • @params:
    • any value
    • string? name

Runs the content of a given script in-place as if it were part of the current module.

  • @params:
    • string path
reflect.call_function(function, args)

Calls a function with the given arguments.

  • @params:
    • function function
    • list args
  • @returns: any