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The http module provides a rich library to help in building HTTP clients and servers. The module also provides a few generic abstractions for simple HTTP operations such as a GET request and supports basic routing.


The example below shows making a GET request to fetch a webpage.

import http

echo http.get('')
# <class HttpResponse instance at 0x600002adacd0>

There is a post() and put() alternative to the get() method called above and they are documented below.

For a more controlled HTTP request, you should use the HttpClient class. Below is an example of such implementation that sets the timeout for receiving response back from the server to 30 seconds.

import http

var client = http.HttpClient()
client.receive_timeout = 30000 # Optional
var res = client.send_request('', 'GET')
echo res.body.to_string()

Creating a server with the http module is also a breeze. The example below shows an implementation of an HTTP API server listening on port 3000 and simple returns the JSON of the request object itself.

import http
import json

var server = http.server(3000)
server.handle('GET', '/', @(request, response) {

Not only is it super simple to create an HTTP server, it is also very easy to create a TLS/HTTPS server with few modifications.

The following code creates a TLS version of the same server we created above.

import http
import json

var server = http.tls_server(3000)
if server.load_certs('/path/to/tlscert.crt', '/path/to/tlskey.key') {
  server.handle('GET', '/', @(request, response) {

To create a TLS server, we use the tls_server() alternative to the server() function and load our certificates before we start to listen for incoming connections. It's that simple.

The http module client does make some basic assumption as to the type of data to be sent in request bodies and for this reason, it will (unless asked not to) automatically convert dictionaries into JSON objects and create multipart/form-data request for you.

Natively, the http module will automatically encode and decode requests with the following content types:

  • multipart/form-data
  • application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  • application/json

In the absence of any content-type in the request header or response header from a server as the case may be, the module defaults to the application/x-www-form-urlencoded content type.

That been said, it gives the tools required to craft any request body of your choice.


http.CONTINUEreadonly int
100 continue.
http.SWITCHING_PROTOCOLSreadonly int
101 switching protocols.
http.PROCESSINGreadonly int
102 processing.
http.OKreadonly int
200 ok.
http.CREATEDreadonly int
201 created.
http.ACCEPTEDreadonly int
202 accepted.
203 non authoritative information.
http.NO_CONTENTreadonly int
204 no content.
http.RESET_CONTENTreadonly int
205 reset content.
http.PARTIAL_CONTENTreadonly int
206 partial content.
http.MULTI_STATUSreadonly int
207 multi status.
http.ALREADY_REPORTEDreadonly int
208 already reported.
http.IM_USEDreadonly int
226 im used.
http.MULTIPLE_CHOICESreadonly int
300 multiple choices.
http.MOVED_PERMANENTLYreadonly int
301 moved permanently.
http.FOUNDreadonly int
302 found.
http.SEE_OTHERreadonly int
303 see other.
http.NOT_MODIFIEDreadonly int
304 not modified.
http.USE_PROXYreadonly int
305 use proxy.
http.TEMPORARY_REDIRECTreadonly int
307 temporary redirect.
http.PERMANENT_REDIRECTreadonly int
308 permanent redirect.
http.BAD_REQUESTreadonly int
400 bad request.
http.UNAUTHORIZEDreadonly int
401 unauthorized.
http.PAYMENT_REQUIREDreadonly int
402 payment required.
http.FORBIDDENreadonly int
403 forbidden.
http.NOT_FOUNDreadonly int
404 not found.
http.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWEDreadonly int
405 method not allowed.
http.NOT_ACCEPTABLEreadonly int
406 not acceptable.
407 proxy authentication required.
http.REQUEST_TIMEOUTreadonly int
408 request timeout.
http.CONFLICTreadonly int
409 conflict.
http.GONEreadonly int
410 gone.
http.LENGTH_REQUIREDreadonly int
411 length required.
http.PRECONDITION_FAILEDreadonly int
412 precondition failed.
http.PAYLOAD_TOO_LARGEreadonly int
413 payload too large.
http.REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONGreadonly int
414 request uri too long.
415 unsupported media type.
416 requested range not satisfiable.
http.EXPECTATION_FAILEDreadonly int
417 expectation failed.
http.TEAPOTreadonly int
418 teapot.
http.MISDIRECTED_REQUESTreadonly int
421 misdirected request.
422 unprocessable entity.
http.LOCKEDreadonly int
423 locked.
http.FAILED_DEPENDENCYreadonly int
424 failed dependency.
http.UPGRADE_REQUIREDreadonly int
426 upgrade required.
428 precondition required.
http.TOO_MANY_REQUESTSreadonly int
429 too many requests.
431 request header fields too large.
444 connection closed without response.
451 unavailable for legal reasons.
http.CLIENT_CLOSED_REQUESTreadonly int
499 client closed request.
http.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERRORreadonly int
500 internal server error.
http.NOT_IMPLEMENTEDreadonly int
501 not implemented.
http.BAD_GATEWAYreadonly int
502 bad gateway.
http.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLEreadonly int
503 service unavailable.
http.GATEWAY_TIMEOUTreadonly int
504 gateway timeout.
505 http version not supported.
506 variant also negotiates.
507 insufficient storage.
http.LOOP_DETECTEDreadonly int
508 loop detected.
http.NOT_EXTENDEDreadonly int
510 not extended.
511 network authentication required.
599 network connect timeout error.
http.mapreadonly dictionary
A map of status code to their string representation..



Sets the default request headers for the current module instance.

This function returns HttpClient in order to allow for idiomatic chaining such as:

import http
echo http.set_headers({
  'Authorization': 'Bearer SomeAPIBearerToken',
  'Host': '',
  • @params:
    • dict headers
  • @returns: HttpClient
  • @raises:
    • Exception
http.get(url, headers)

Sends an Http GET request and returns an HttpResponse or throws one of SocketException or Exception if it fails.

  • @params:
    • string url
    • dict? headers
  • @returns: HttpResponse
  • @raises:
    • Exception
    • SocketException
    • HttpException, data, headers)

Sends an Http POST request and returns an HttpResponse.

  • @params:
    • string url
    • string|bytes|nil data
    • dict? headers
  • @returns: HttpResponse
  • @raises:
    • Exception
    • SocketException
    • HttpException
http.put(url, data, headers)

Sends an Http PUT request and returns an HttpResponse.

  • @params:
    • string url
    • string|bytes|nil data
    • dict? headers
  • @returns: HttpResponse
  • @raises:
    • Exception
    • SocketException
    • HttpException
http.patch(url, data, headers)

Sends an Http PATCH request and returns an HttpResponse.

  • @params:
    • string url
    • string|bytes|nil data
    • dict? headers
  • @returns: HttpResponse
  • @raises:
    • Exception
    • SocketException
    • HttpException
http.delete(url, headers)

Sends an Http DELETE request and returns an HttpResponse.

  • @params:
    • string url
    • dict? headers
  • @returns: HttpResponse
  • @raises:
    • Exception
    • SocketException
    • HttpException
http.options(url, headers)

Sends an Http OPTIONS request and returns an HttpResponse.

  • @params:
    • string url
    • dict? headers
  • @returns: HttpResponse
  • @raises:
    • Exception
    • SocketException
    • HttpException
http.trace(url, headers)

Sends an Http TRACE request and returns an HttpResponse.

  • @params:
    • string url
    • dict? headers
  • @returns: HttpResponse
  • @raises:
    • Exception
    • SocketException
    • HttpException
http.head(url, headers)

Sends an Http HEAD request and returns an HttpResponse.

  • @params:
    • string url
    • dict? headers
  • @returns: HttpResponse
  • @raises:
    • Exception
    • SocketException
    • HttpException

Returns the default shared client.

  • @returns: HttpClient
http.server(port, address)

Creates an new HttpServer instance.

  • @params:
    • int port
    • string address
  • @returns: HttpServer
  • @raises:
    • Exception
    • SocketException
    • HttpException
http.tls_server(port, host)

Creates an new TLSServer instance.

@throws Exception, SocketException, HttpException

  • @params:
    • int port
    • string? host
  • @returns: TLSServer


class HttpRequest

Http request handler and object.

@printable, @serializable


The original request URL as sent in the raw request.


The requested path or file. E.g. if the Request URI is /users?sort=desc, then the path is /users.


The HTTP method of the request: GET (the default), POST, PUT, etc.


The hostname derived from the Host header or the first instance of X-Forwarded-Host if set.


The IP address of the remote client that initiated the request.


The IPv6 address of the remote client that initiated the request.


A dictionary containing the headers sent with the request.


A dictionary containing the entries of the URI query string.


A list or dictionary containing the cookies sent with the request.


A dictionary containing all data submitted in the request body.


A dictionary containing the data of all files uploaded in the request.


The HTTP version used for the request.

.parse(raw_data, client)

Parses a raw HTTP request string into a correct HttpRequest.

  • @params:
    • string raw_data
    • Socket|TLSSocket|nil client
  • @returns: boolean
.send(uri, method, data, headers, options)

Send HTTP requests to the given uri for the given method and data (if given).

  • @params:
    • url uri
    • string method
    • string|bytes|dict|nil data
    • dict? headers
    • dict? options

Returns the request as a string.


Returns the request as a JSON object.

class HttpException < Exception

HTTP related Exceptions.


class HttpServer

HTTP server.



The host address to which this server will be bound. Default value is socket.IP_LOCAL (


The port to which this server will be bound to on the host.


The working Socket instance for the HttpServer.


A boolean value indicating whether to reuse socket addresses or not. Default value is true.


The timeout in milliseconds after which an attempt to read clients request data will be terminated. Default value is 2,000 (2 seconds).


The timeout in milliseconds after which an attempt to write response data to clients will be terminated.

If we cannot send response to a client after the stipulated time, it will be assumed such clients have disconnected and existing connections for that client will be closed and their respective sockets will be discarded. Default value is 2,000 (2 seconds).

.HttpServer(port, host) ➝ Constructor

http.HttpServer constructor

  • @params:
    • int port
    • string? host

Stops the server.


Adds a function to be called when a new client connects.


  • Function function MUST accept at one parameter which will be passed the client Socket object.
  • Multiple on_connect() may be set on a single instance.
  • @params:
    • function(1) function

Adds a function to be called when a new client disconnects.


  • Function function MUST accept at one parameter which will be passed the client.
  • Multiple on_disconnect() may be set on a single instance.
  • @params:
    • function(1) function

Adds a function to be called when the server receives a message from a client.

Function fn MUST accept TWO parameters. First parameter will accept the HttpRequest object and the second will accept the HttpResponse object.


  • Multiple on_receive() may be set on a single instance.
  • @params:
    • function(2) handler

Adds a function to be called when the server sends a reply to a client.

Function function MUST accept one parameter which will be passed the HttpResponse object.


  • Multiple on_sent() may be set on a single instance.
  • @params:
    • function(1) function

Adds a function to be called when the server encounters an error with a client.

Function function MUST accept two parameters. The first argument will be passed the Exception object and the second will be passed the client Socket object.


  • Multiple on_error() may be set on a single instance.
  • @params:
    • function(2) function
.handle(method, path, handler)

Sets up a request handler that will be called when a request with the given method has a path that matches the one specified.

If the path ends with a /, it also matches all routes that starts with the path so long as there is no other path that matches the request better. The exception to this is when the path is an ordinary / (root path) in which case it won't match any other route except for the root path.

For example, if the path is declared as /user/, it will match the request for /user/record/1 unless another handle has been registered for /user/record in which case the handle for /user/record will handle the request since it is the handler for the closest path.

  • @params:
    • string method
    • string path
    • function(2) handler

Sets up the handle to invoke when a request is not processed. That is, when it does not match a registered route and no on_receive() handler is set.

  • @params:
    • function(2) handler
.serve_files(base_path, directory, cache_age, tag)

Setup the given base_path to serve static files from the given directory. If cache is set to true, and a default value is not set for tag, static file tagging will be automatically enabled.

  • @params:
    • string base_path

    • string directory

    • number? cache_age = 0

    • bool? tag = false


Binds to the instance port and host and starts listening for incoming connection from HTTP clients.

class TLSServer < HttpServer

TLS server



The SSL/TLS certificate file that will be used be used by a secured server for serving requests.


The SSL/TLS private key file that will be used be used by a secured server for serving requests.


This value controls whether the client certificate should be verified or not.

.TLSServer(port, host) ➝ Constructor

http.TLSServer constructor

  • @params:
    • int port
    • string? host
.load_certs(cert_file, private_key_file)

Loads the given SSL/TLS certificate pairs for the given SSL/TLS context.

  • @params:
    • string|file cert_file
    • string|file|nil private_key_file
  • @returns: bool

Binds to the instance port and host and starts listening for incoming connection from HTTPS clients.

class HttpClient

Handles http requests.

@note This client do not currently support the compress, deflate and gzip transfer encoding.


The user agent of the client used to make the request. Default value — Blade HTTP Client/1.0.


Indicates if we receive a redirect from a server, this flag tells us whether we should follow it or not. Default value is true.


Indicates if the site you're connecting to uses a different host name that what they have mentioned in their server certificate's commonName (or subjectAltName) fields, connection will fail. You can skip this check by setting to true, but this will make the connection less secure.


Indicates if you want to connect to a site who isn't using a certificate that is signed by one of the certs in the CA bundle you have, you can skip the verification of the server's certificate. This makes the connection A LOT LESS SECURE.


The site that refers us to the current site


If you have a CA cert for the server stored someplace else than in the default bundle.


The connect timeout duration in milliseconds. Default value is 60,000 (1 minute).


The receive timeout duration in milliseconds. Default value is 2,000 (2 seconds).


A dictionary of headers sent along with the request.


Indicates whether to remove the expect header or not only applies to requests with files in the body

.HttpClient(base_url) ➝ Constructor

If the base_url param is set, all calls to HTTP method functions will automatically prepend requested url with the base url if they do not start with the base url.

  • @params:
    • string? base_url The base url for the HTTP client requests
.send_request(uri, method, data, headers, options)

Sends an Http request and returns a HttpResponse.

This can be very useful if you want to reuse the same instance for multiple requests and headers scenarios.

  • @params:
    • string uri

    • string? method Default value is GET.

    • string|dict|nil data

    • dict? headers To override the instance options.

    • dict? client request options

  • @returns: HttpResponse
  • @raises:
    • SocketException
    • Exception
.get(url, headers)

Sends an Http GET request and returns an HttpResponse.

  • @params:
    • string url
    • dict? headers
  • @returns: HttpResponse
  • @raises:
    • Exception
    • SocketException
    • HttpException
.post(url, data, headers)

Sends an Http POST request and returns an HttpResponse.

  • @params:
    • string url
    • string|bytes|nil data
    • dict? headers
  • @returns: HttpResponse
  • @raises:
    • Exception
    • SocketException
    • HttpException
.put(url, data, headers)

Sends an Http PUT request and returns an HttpResponse.

  • @params:
    • string url
    • string|bytes|nil data
    • dict? headers
  • @returns: HttpResponse
  • @raises:
    • Exception
    • SocketException
    • HttpException
.patch(url, data, headers)

Sends an Http PATCH request and returns an HttpResponse.

  • @params:
    • string url
    • string|bytes|nil data
    • dict? headers
  • @returns: HttpResponse
  • @raises:
    • Exception
    • SocketException
    • HttpException
.delete(url, headers)

Sends an Http DELETE request and returns an HttpResponse.

  • @params:
    • string url
    • dict? headers
  • @returns: HttpResponse
  • @raises:
    • Exception
    • SocketException
    • HttpException
.options(url, headers)

Sends an Http OPTIONS request and returns an HttpResponse.

  • @params:
    • string url
    • dict? headers
  • @returns: HttpResponse
  • @raises:
    • Exception
    • SocketException
    • HttpException
.trace(url, headers)

Sends an Http TRACE request and returns an HttpResponse.

  • @params:
    • string url
    • dict? headers
  • @returns: HttpResponse
  • @raises:
    • Exception
    • SocketException
    • HttpException
.head(url, headers)

Sends an Http HEAD request and returns an HttpResponse.

  • @params:
    • string url
    • dict? headers
  • @returns: HttpResponse
  • @raises:
    • Exception
    • SocketException
    • HttpException
class HttpResponse

Represents the response to an Http request.

@printable, @serializable


The HTTP version of the response


The HTTP response status code


The HTTP response headers


Total time taken for the HTTP request that generated this HttpResponse to complete


The number of times the HTTP request that generated this HttpResponse was redirected.


The final URL that provided the HttpResponse. This will sometimes differ from the original request URI.


The content of the HTTP response as bytes


The cookies to be sent back to the client


The SSL certificate for the secure connection. This is only available when visiting HTTPS/SSL/TLS secured websites.

.HttpResponse(body, status, headers, cookies, version, time_taken, redirects, responder) ➝ Constructor

http.HttpResponse constructor

  • @params:
    • string body
    • int status
    • dict headers
    • list[string] cookies
    • string version
    • number time_taken
    • int redirects
    • string responder

Writes data to the response stream.

This method should be preferred over writing directly to the body property to prevent unexpected behaviors.

  • @params:
    • string|bytes data
.json(data, status_code)

Writes a json encoded data to the response stream and sets the response Content-Type to application/json. If the status code is given, the response will be sent with the given status code.

  • @params:
    • any data
    • number? status_code
.file(path, status_code)

Writes a file into the response stream and sets the Content-Type to the correct mimetype for the file. If the status code is given, the response will be sent with the given status code.

  • @params:
    • string path
    • number? status_code

Sets a cookie to be send back to a client with the given key and value. When other parameters are given, they are used to construct a correct Set-Cookie header based on their named properties.

  • @params:
    • string key
    • string value
    • string? domain
    • string? path
    • string? expires
    • bool? secure
    • string? extras
.redirect(location, status)

Redirects the client to a new location. This function simultaneously sets the Location header and returns a 30x status code. If the status parameter is not given, the function defaults to 302.

@throw HttpException


  • When supplying a status, it must be a 30x
  • @params:
    • string location
    • string? status
.render(path, variables)

A shorthand method that renders a template using Blade's template module default settings. Follow the template module documentation to know more about setting up your project to render from templates.


The default template root directory is a directory called "templates" in the current working directory. To use render, ensure that the directory exists as the template instance used for render() does not have the auto_init parameter set to true. This is intentional to discourage misuse and/or unintended behaviors. Support for template rendering in HttpResponse class is lazy loaded and will not be enabled until the first attempt to render a template. This helps reduce the overhead for use cases where rending is never needed.

  • @params:
    • string path
    • dict? variables

Sets the content type of the HTTP response.

  • @params:
    • string mimetype

Returns the response details in a string


Returns the body of an HTTP response as a string or an empty string if the response is empty.

  • @returns: string

Returns the body of an HTTP response as a dictionary.


Call this method only if you're certain that the response is a JSON response or have set the header Accepts and/or Content-Type to accept only application/json responses only because the method will raise and Exception if the response does not contain a valid JSON in the body.

  • @returns: string
  • @raises:
    • Exception

Returns the response as a JSON object