This module provides functions that allow easy mime type detection from files. It offers support for detecting file type based on name or file headers and it is completely extensible so that you can add declarations for your own custom file types.
See defined functions for example.
- mime.detect_from_name(name)
Detects the mimetype of a file based on the extension defined in it's path.
import mime echo mime.detect_from_name('myimage.png')
- For popular files such as Jpeg and Pngs, calling this method directly is more efficient and provides a faster lookup.
- @params:
- string name
- @returns: string
- mime.detect_from_header(file)
Detects the mimetype of a file based on it's file header. When multiple file formats share very similar or shadowing file headers (such as the relationship between Zip files and Docx files), this method will perform an extension before returning it's result.
import mime var f = file('my_file.ext', 'rb') echo mime.detect_from_header(f)
- For dealing with files without extension, or where the accuracy of the file extension cannot be trusted, this method provides a more efficient lookup.
- This method may produce slightly more rigorous results
- This method requires that the file must be opened in binary mode.
- @params:
- file file
- @returns: string
- mime.detect(file)
Performs mimetype detection on a file.
this method is capable of detecting file mimetypes even in the absence of an extension. If the file is opened in binary mode, it first attempt the more accurate header check. If the header check returns a generic result (i.e. application/octet-stream), it performs an extension lookup.
import mime var f = file('myfile', 'rb') # using 'rb' here for two reasons: # 1. Our file has no extension, so extension based detection is impossible # 2. We want more accuracy by having Mime check file headers echo mime.detect(f)
- this method gives the best result, but slightly slower than a direct lookup of name or header.
- @params:
- file file
- @returns: string
- mime.extend(extension, format)
Extends the mime module with support for files with the given extension as defined in the given format.
%> import mime %> mime.detect_from_name('myfile.ppk') 'application/octet-stream' %> mime.extend('.ppk', mime.MimeFormat('file/ppk')) true %> mime.detect_from_name('myfile.ppk') 'file/ppk'
- the extension MUST start with
- @params:
- string extension
- MimeFormat format
- @returns: bool
- the extension MUST start with
- class MimeFormat
Mime format representation class.
- .MimeFormat(mimetype, header) ➝ Constructor
mime.MimeFormat constructor
- only the first 16 bytes of a file header will be used.
- @params:
- string mimetype
- list|bytes|nil header