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Getting started

Installing Nyssa

Nyssa comes prepackaged with all Blade versions since v0.0.86 and needs no further installation action. You'll need to upgrade your Blade installation if you are on a version of Blade lower than v0.0.86.

The best way to enjoy the power of Nyssa is to add your Blade installation path to your shell/terminal environment. If yo have installed Blade on a UNIX/Linux device using the installation link, you should already have blade and nyssa in your path.

Various operating systems provides different mechanisms for adding a path to the environment so the steps may vary for your specific operating system.

Here's a few links for different operating systems showing how to do this.

Operating systems Instruction Link
Linux, macOS

Testing your installation

If you have installed Blade and successfully added Blade installation directory to system path, open a new terminal session (may be required) and run the command nyssa --version.

You should see an output similar to the below.

Nyssa 0.2.0
Blade 0.0.86 (running on BladeVM 0.1.1)

You can also run the nyssa command without any arguments to see the full help information.

Usage: nyssa [ [-h] | [-v] ] [COMMAND]

  -h, --help                Show this help message and exit
  -v, --version             Show Nyssa version

  account <choice>          Manages a Nyssa publisher account
    create                    Creates a new publisher account
    login                     Login to a publisher account
    logout                    Log out of a publisher account
    -r, --repo <value>        the repo where the account is located
  clean                     Clear Nyssa storage and cache
    -c, --cache               clean packages cache
    -l, --logs                clean logs
    -a, --all                 clean everything
  info                      Shows current project information
  init                      Creates a new package in current directory
    -n, --name <value>        the name of the package
  install <value>           Installs a Blade package
    -g, --global              installs the package globally
    -c, --use-cache           enables the cache
    -r, --repo <value>        the repository to install from
  publish                   Publishes a Blade package to a repository
    -r, --repo <value>        repository url
  restore                   Restores all project dependencies
    -x, --no-cache            disables the cache
  serve                     Starts a local Nyssa repository server
    -p, --port <value>        port of the server (default: 3000)
    -n, --host <value>        the host ip (default:
  test                      Run the tests
  uninstall <value>         Uninstalls a Blade package
    -g, --global              package is a global package

If you can see this, then you're all good.