- convert.hex_to_bytes(str)
Converts hexadecimal string of any length to bytes.
- @params:
- string str
- @returns: bytes
- @params:
- convert.bytes_to_hex(data)
Converts binary data (byes) of any length to hexadecimal string representation.
- @params:
- bytes data
- @returns: string
- @params:
- convert.decimal_to_hex(n)
Converts the given decimal based number to an hexadecimal string.
- @params:
- number n
- @returns: string
- @params:
- convert.hex_to_decimal(str)
Converts the given hexadecimal string to a decimal base 10 number.
- string must either contain the plain hexadecimal string or be in the format 0x[hex string].
- @params:
- string str
- @returns: number
- convert.unicode_to_hex(chr)
Converts a unicode character to it's equivalent hexadecimal string.
- @params:
- char chr
- @returns: string
- @params:
- convert.bytes_to_decimal(bytes)
Converts a bytes (binary data) to a decimal number.
- @params:
- bytes bytes
- @returns: number
- @params: